We have decided to start on some reference manuals - both printed and eBook, and we have the first one ready for use.
You can purchase the Kindle version from Amazon for just $5.99, even better, you can download a sample to see if it would be of value to you.
Rendering with AutoCAD - using nXtRender - Kindle Version
Or you can purchase the printed book for $19.95.
Rendering with AutoCAD - using nXtRender - Printed Version
Most of the book is available in one form or another on our websites and forum, but the Kindle version makes it easier to use - to find stuff by searching, etc. Take a look, and if you have any ideas for improvements, put them on our Forum or send the to support@renderplus.com
Part 56: Finish Phase – Cabinetry
(Introduction, Syllabus, 1.Prelims, 1-4Precon, 2. Excavation, 3.Foundation,
4.Framing, 5.Close-In, 6.Roofing, 7.MEP, 8.Finish ) Most residential
kitchens a...
7 years ago